“A happy life does not have connection with money”

“A happy life does not have connection with money”

Now you wonder why?

Until now you thought that if you have a lot of money you will be happy, you had the impression that all rich people are extremely happy, millionaires of the world are the most happy persons….

But isn’t like this…

I have grown up with a big word, namely „money does not bring happiness”.

I never dreamed of being rich, I always dreamed of being happy.

My happiness depended on me, not the financial situation, or about what I have or what I don’t have.

I also had periods when I had the money but was busy with what to do with, so I forgot to be happy.

Money is important in our life, definitely, it has a good place .. but it does not mean everything.  Money isn’t happiness, like happiness isn’t money.

Money to have it so that it can give you a rich life, many people are rich but live in poverty and are unhappy. In the same time there are a lot of poor people in the world who are very happy , because they think they are happy, they are not conditioned of money.  It’s strange? Isn’t? Well…

That’s why my desire is for you to be happy with you, with what you do, with your life, with your activities, with your choices, with your mind …. by building something that makes you happy, the financial reward will not  the delay arises, because what is built with love and happiness is felt by those around.

It is so simple to create things derived from your happiness.

Let’s try it right now!

Think of something that could make you happy?  If you don’t already have that thing or something creates it, give it your life.  Maybe you don’t even have to do anything, maybe it’s you!  Raise awareness!


You are happiness and your happiness is you!

Feel positive! Live motivated!

With Love from:  Adela Lupse

Photo by Andre Hedemann Photographie

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