How do we overcome disappointments?
Disappointments are unfulfilled expectations, they are the imaginations of our minds that we want, but they can not be fulfilled. The failure causes to feelings
Disappointments are unfulfilled expectations, they are the imaginations of our minds that we want, but they can not be fulfilled. The failure causes to feelings
When you first try something challenging and exciting, it is impossible. You don’t have the skills to accomplish it. It’s only after you adapt and
Throughout my life I have met many people from various fields of art or around the artistic world. As a concert organizer I can meet
You enjoy writing? You have interesting topics to share related to any kind of art? Why not publish them on this page? If you are
I just can’t stop. Even to meditate I have to move. Sitting in one place makes me anxious. My back starts to hurt. I wasn’t
Self Confidence is personal power, capacity and ability. Confidence brings more happiness, because when you are confident in your abilities you are happier due to
Az utolsó napunkon Andalúziában úgy döntöttünk, hogy már annyira elfáradtunk a túrázásban és a hátizsák cipelésében, hogy ott maradunk Las Negras-ba, és lemondunk az utolsó
Ez a 3. túranapunk Andalúziában. Most jönnek a legizgalmasabb szakaszok. Délelőtt – na nem túl korán, mert azért szeretünk aludni – felkerekedtünk az újabb 15
A barátaim szerint olyan vagyok, mint egy csillámf*láma-unikornis, aki kis szivárványszerű felhőket fingadoz az égbe, mivel annyira pozitív a hozzáállásom az esetek túlnyomó részében (és
I know it’s early, it’s still dark when you wake up but it’s never get easier. What can make things better? Finding PASSION! Sounds like